Today was such a fun day... Molly and I hosted a V-Day party at our house:) Molly has been So excited because it seems like forever since we have all been able to get together. There were 13 kiddos packed into our house- as well as 7 mommies and a grampa- so it was close quarters but so much fun. I couldn't help remember the first get-together at our house when there were 7 infants who slept through the festivities- my how things change! Molly loved showing all her friends her new Big Girl room and bed- and of course playing dress up:) The highlights of the party were 1. Eating cupcakes! All of the kids dropped what they were doing and sat down for the first time all afternoon to devour them:) 1. The kids all brought Valentines to share and I made little mailboxes to collect them in. They were all so excited to open them up and see what goodies they had waiting for them. It was such fun because we got to spend it with some of our VERY favorite people- Molly's friends are so important to her and I don't know what I would do without my wonderful Mommy friends!
M&A of course had to dress up ASAP

Ava is singing her heart out here and putting on a big show... nobody was actually watching but that sure didn't stop her. Love her!

Milam found one of his favorite toys of Molly's, who he calls Big Bingo

How GORGEOUS is Hannah? Seriously?!?

The big girls were stomping around in their high heels and sweet little Alice Anne jumped right in and didn't skip a beat. I am pretty sure she htinks she is just as big as they are:)

The chaos stopped for a few minutes to eat cupcakes


All of the stuffed mailboxes

Molly and Hannah looking to find which is theirs and get a sneak peak of their goodies

No one was more excited about the mailboxes than Hannah. You would have thought she won a pony she was so excited to get her own loaded mailbox!

After her pals left Molly sat down to scope out the goods..

She approves!

Here she is counting her loot and choosing which one she will choose tonight after dinner!