Summer is coming to an end... and I have to admit I am kinda glad. All of a sudden the summer is wearing me out- I'm ready to get back into our routine and ready for my Molly to go back to school! I think she would agree with me:) Not that the summer has not been wonderful- it has! I think we are both ready for our "normal" life to pick back up. Molly is really, really excited for school now. We walked past her classroom and saw all the kids names on the door- so she keeps talking about all her new friends and what will they be like. She is especially excited to meet "Eloise" because Molly loves those books. 3 of her classmates from last year will be in her class, including her dear friend Alexandra.
M had her back-to-school check-up (or her late 3 year check-up... whatever you want to call it!) and we got a great report. She had a BIG ol' growth spurt this summer. Healthy and as smart as can be. She was a very,very brave girl during her shots and blood draws. In so many ways, M grew up this summer. She looks older, acts older, learned to do a lot of new things (swim, stay dry all night!!!) and is becoming very independent. She will stand up straight as can be and tell me every morning to look how big she is today. She loves to say she is not a little girl anymore. This is a big change for us. Up until recently Molly would tell you she is a baby still and never wanted to grow up. Little does she know, she will always and forever be my baby.

Doesn't she just look older now?!?

M's (3rd?) Cousins came to visit!

Still has the scrunched-up smile she did when she was a baby.

I love this pic because she looks like the classic little Southern girl: bobbed hair, gigantic bow, monogram, float collar, pearls and surfer sandals. Oh, to be able to freeze time!!! I just REFUSE to believe she will wear blue jeans one day!

Pure Sass.

Fluffy Beast Deluxe.

Topsy. What are we going to do with him? This dog is a mess! He is big and fluffy, and wild and hyper and ornery and won't listen to save his life. It is a good thing he is so darn cute and lovable!! Topsy will be "losing his manhood" this coming week and we are hoping we will be bringing home a changed pup. I do love this crazy boy. And he LOOOOOOVES us. He would be in heaven if we were all no more than 3 inches apart all day and all night. No such luck, buddy!