After a lot of debate and soul searching... Molly opted to be Tinkerbell for Halloween! She recently saw Peter Pan for the first time and she is NOW obsessed with all things Peter Pan, so Tinkerbell was a great pick. About a month ago, Milam also told her she looked "as beautiful as Tinkerbell when she ran"... so I know that didn't hurt, either! I had a lot of fun making her costume this year- I hope to continue to do that in the future. Molly has a great Halloween this year, but I think she enjoyed the fun surrounding the Holiday more than the actual Trick-or-Treating. She was scared by the dark and all the scary costumes! We did about 5 houses and she was satisfied with that!

Molly's class Halloween party. ALL of the boys were super heroes this year!

Molly and her dear friend, Alexandra as Minnie Mouse. These 2 are already panicking about being in different classes next year! They were in class together last year, as well as this year... and they do ballet and art together!

At Will and Hanks Halloween bash before Trick or Treating. AA and Hannah could not have been cuter!

Joined at the hip, as usual!

All of our precious kids about to venture out and get some candy. I adore these children!

I thought this back view was so cute!
Molly is already talking about next Halloween's costume. She has it narrowed down to about 25 choices:)