Monday, October 10, 2011

Love is in the air...

Molly has had an interest in "romance" from a young age- my guess is it was from her big imagination and her love of classic fairy tales. This year, Molly has a few romances brewing up at preschool- ha! A few weeks ago on the way to a birthday party she said "mom, I think I'm in love with Luke. I think about him a lot and I had a dream about him". Well, she initially wanted to wait until they were teenagers to tell him, but decided that she couldn't hold it in. She found some superhero stickers and made him a card that said "I love you, Luke". I'm afraid she did not quite get the reaction she was hoping for- but it didn't seem to phase her. When I picked her up she told me that she told him I Love You again while they were in line to wash their hands and that he said I Love You back. Little girl was over the moon about this! The very next day she told me she kissed Henry by the slide on the playground! What?!?! And recently, exchanged I Love You's with Ben!!! So, Molly will now proudly talk about having three boyfriends. She has been requesting to wear more dresses since Henry told her he likes dresses. Kyle is already starting to sweat. I think we may have a future love-sick, boy-crazy teen on our hands! Yikes!!

To close enjoy some photos of my sweet girl. No wonder all the boys like her:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Golden Ponies!

Molly started soccer this year. The season is just a few months long and it is something Kyle really wanted to be able to do with her. Those who know Molly well know that her interest in sports in next to nothing, and they would also likely admit that "athleticism" is not one of her natural strengths or gifts! I feel the need to follow up that statement by saying that Molly has MANY natural gifts- music, art, creativity, dance, etc... but sports just don't fall into that category. She takes after ME in that way:) Anyways, Molly joined the YMCA league and lucked out into having a dear friends be on her team, The Golden Ponies! Her dad is also one of her coaches so that has been great for her.

Her coaches do an amazing job of keeping it fun and low key for the girls and stress that trying your hardest and having fun is all the matters. Practices are just a hoot to watch! Some of the girls have already turned five and have older brothers who have played soccer- and these girls are soooo good! It is really something to watch them. Our sweet girl still doesn't entirely understand the whole idea of soccer- but she sure has had fun learning! She has actually gotten lapped a few times in practice- but that precious girl doesn't seem to notice:)

Their first game it was 106 degrees outside- it was brutal! Molly did not kick the ball that game, but her coach did let her have a kick-in and a throw-in. The second game was a different story! She kicked the ball 6 times (just don't ask if it was the correct direction or not!) and came pretty darn close to scoring a goal! She was SOOO proud each time she made a kick- she would get the biggest smile on her face and look over at us, pose and blow kisses, and then strike another pose. Thats our girl!!!

Who knows if she will ever play again- but we sure are proud of her for going out there. Several girls only play for a few minutes and then want to sit out the whole game. Molly wants to play the whole game- which is big for her!!

First practice- Posing of course!

Trying HARD!

First game huddle- Molly is number 9

Her kick-in

Our Big Soccer Star!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Today marks the third week of Pre-K for Molly. Still a bit in shock that I have a kid in Pre-K... she is getting old! Which means I am getting old-ha! This year Molly has Miss Victoria and we could not love her any more. Molly thinks she is "soooooo beautiful" and she is from England- perfection in a teacher for Molly! The first day she waltzed right in without a hug or even a real goodbye. So proud of her- but so sad for me. She loves going every morning now- although it wore her out the first week- she was asleep before 6:30pm each night! There are 2 girls in her class who are new to the school and I am so proud of Molly for taking them under her wing. She said that she introduced them to all her friends on the playground and never lets them sit or play alone so they won't be sad. I love that girl's heart. This year they have a Spanish, gymnastics, music and chapel rotation and she is cracking me up with her Spanish! She somehow has this PERFECT inflection and pronunciation- so cute.

First day! Molly has fought me on smocking or appliques now that she is "such a big girl"- so I was happy to find a themed dress that passed her approval.

One last look right after walking into her class...

And we had to debrief at I Heart Yogurt after I picked her up.

351 days till Kindergarten and counting:(.................

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thank You, G&G!

This post is dedicated to two VERY loyal blog readers- Molly's Great Grandmother and Grandad! They check this blog every night to look for new pictures... so I guess I better do a better job of giving them new material! Thank you for sending Molly the batch of Fall goodies! She loves them all and they all fit perfectly and will throughout the Fall. Molly is very proud that they look so "big girl"... something that is very important to her these days!

One of the new sweatshirts. Despite 105 degree weather, Molly insists on coming home and putting this on! I guess that is one of the perks of Kyle keeping our AC so cold all the time!

Thanks again for all the goodies and all you do for us! We love you both so much!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

More summer!

We have just over one week left until school starts and we say goodbye to summer. I think we are both ready! As much fun as summer is- we are both craving more structure and routine and Molly of course is ready to play with her friends at school. We found out she has Miss Victoria this year- and we have heard GREAT things about her- so we are excited! She also has several good plas in class with her this year so that is always fun. This year she will go everyday!!!
M-W she will go 9-2, and then Th-F she will get out at 11:45. Seems like so much school to me- but I know she is ready for it. Molly and I are making a list of all the things we want to cram into our last week of summer- so next week should be a good one!

The fluffy man. Wild and crazy as usual.

My sweet girl on her way to a tea party birthday party!

Decked out in party favors!

Sweet friends. They look so old here!

Kyle and Molly got to have a weekend in Vail! I couldn't miss Church so I had to stay home- I was so jealous of all the fun they were having and the COOL weather!

Molly had such fun in Vail and it was a good chance for the two of them to have some quality time together. They even went white water rafting!

Molly and Milam on their date. Molly took this date very seriously. She even wanted to go solo and drive Milam there in her Barbie Jeep! She was dead serious! She said that it was safe since it had seatbelts. They went to the circus and then Chik fil a for dinner. They didn't get to take the Barbie Jeep out- but they did get to sit by themselves at dinner and that made them feel old:)

Sweet Milam said "this is the way you walk on dates" and put Molly's arm in his elbow. So so sweet!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer So Far...

Wow! Where did the past month and a half go?!? Time sure has flown by! We have been having a really fun summer so far. We have been on the go so much that we are looking forward to a few weeks to just be home, swim, stay in our pajamas all morning and relax! One of the highlights of the summer is that Molly learned how to swim! She has been on the verge for a while but she is now official! I still feel the need to hover around her- but I don't need to - she is a true swimmer! Molly still enjoys coloring and drawing and is really, really good at it! She really takes her time and all of her pictures have a lot of detail to them- even eyelashes and painted fingernails and toenails:)

I don't have pics to share from this, but I got to have my 2nd annual girls trip to the lake a few weeks ago. It was heavenly! It is amazing how rejuvenating a few days away can be! We spent the weekend chatting, eating, laying out and eating some more. I am beyond thankful to have that group of friends- motherhood wouldn't be the same- or as fun- without them!

Some highlights:

Another year of VBS down! This was her first year in REAL VBS... she was in the nursery before. She loved it again this year, learned a lot and it completely wore her out:)

We took our annual week-long trip home to Kansas and had a great time. The Zoo remains our fave place to go!

The zoo has an amazing primate exhibit and Marbles the chimp took a liking to Molly girl! He followed her around and would interact with her through the glass. It was so special and Molly still talks about her pal, Marbles!

Pretty Girl

Goofy Girl

WINDY day in Kansas

This is Molly and I all dolled up to go to.... New Kids on The Block concert! So so fun! We had tickets in the suite so Molly was safe from the crazy fans (all of them my age or older-ha!). We only stayed for a few songs because it was late but we had a blast. New Kids was my first concert with my mom, so this was fun to do with Molly. She was dancing the night away! The Right Stuff is one of her favorite songs now!

Cousins came to visit!!!

3 cutie pies! The girls shared a fun week of swimming, slumber partying and lots an dlots of playtime!

We got to visit the Olson's at the lake again this summer! So So much fun again! Molly was a pro at tubing again- makes me a nervous wreck but she loves it!

Wet pup. This boy LOVES THE LAKE. Running around with a pack of dogs, swimming in the lake, lots of kids, kayak rides, etc! He was depressed when we got home:(

Molly got to reunite with best bud, Caroline- Milam's cousin! These girls talk about each other all year long so it was so fun for them to have some time together. They took care of each others babies, and played all sorts of hilarious things!

Going on a late night boat ride to try to see fireworks... unfortunately the drought here caused all the shows to be cancelled. But- Molly still LOVED getting to stay up late!

I swear she looks so so so old now! And acts old! And she wants to be old! It is exciting and sad at the same time. She is wanting to dress like a "big girl" now and it is breaking my heart. Kyle and I still can't get over our tiny little 6 pounder is now a BIG KID! I am so glad that she does not think she is too big for lots of cuddles and snuggles!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Day of School!

Today was Molly's last day of school! This year just ZOOMED by! If the years continue to go so fast, my Molly will be driving in the blink of an eye:( We had a great year. Molly's teacher, Miss Christi was an amazing teacher and Molly adored her. Her class was a fun mix of kids she already knew and some new friends. She learned so much this year... she went in a toddler and came out a kid! Molly is excited for summer, but I know it will sink in a a few weeks that she doesn't get to see her friends 3 times a week and she will be sad. Can't believe we have just one more year of preschool left before Kindergarten!

Molly outside of school on her last day!

Molly and Alexandra. Their last day as classmates:( They already warned us they won't be in class together next year because they are too close.) SAD!

Pretty flowers for wonderful Miss Christi!

Molly and Eloise

With Blake

With Ben. Molly says she might marry Ben but will wait to tell him for sure in college!

Best Friends!

Henry is another dear friend. He gave Molly a leaf each and every day because he knows she likes them!

M, A and Jackson

After school, the class went to London's house for a party and were entertained by StringBini the clown! Kyle is super scared of clowns so Molly has enjoyed taunting hi with the idea of Stringbini this past week!

He had the kids cracking up:)

The whole class with Stringbini

Molly was pumped to get to be his assistant

The girls and Miss Christi.
Sad to see another year pass... it means Molly is that much older. But, we are excited for a fun summer! With Kindergarten looming over my head, I am going to try so hard to soak in this next year!