We had a truly wonderful Christmas and entire Christmas season. I thought last year was a special Christmas, but this year was just amazing. Molly was SOOO into it. No matter how we counted down the days until Christmas, Molly couldn't help "When is Christmas?" at least 20 times a day! Our Elf on the Shelf, Ya YA came to visit our house again and every morning the first thing Molly did was hunt for him. Ya Ya was named last year after her friend Alexandra's grandmother, who is Greek and called Ya Ya. Needless to say, Molly loves her:) She also got her own tree this year, which she decorated herself... and all the ornaments were in one area of the tree, so it had a nice slant to it due to the weight of the ornaments! We baked up a storm this year and gave personalized cookies as gifts to classmates and teachers. Baking is a fave activity of ours so we had a bunch of fun with that. We visited the best Santa in the world at Northpark again and Molly requested a dollhouse and a Jessie doll form Toy Story 3.
Christmas Eve was fun because Molly's cousins Kate and Mary were here and they played and played and played. I don't think Molly talked to us much that entire day, she was so consumed with her cousins! We enjoyed the Childrens service at Church with the Belfs and family. After that, we were at Mimis house for their annual party which was fun. Santa visited again, allowing the kids one last chance to plead their cases:) Molly was SO excited to go to bed that night and was so stressed that we were still up- Santa might pass us by since we were up! The next morning, we did stockings at our house and opened the gifts between the 3 of us before heading over to the Hickeys for the BIG BIG Christmas morning! Molly got the dollhouse of her dreams and her Barbies and Princesses didn't waste time moving in:) We got so many wonderful gifts- we are so loved and blessed! The question has been asked several times already "How long do we have to wait for Christmas?"!!! Luckily her fave Holiday, Valentines Day is right around the corner to pacify her!

Reading The Grinch- she memorized that long old book!

Molly and Santa

Santa on Christmas Eve... Molly did express some concern over his "dark eyebrows"!

Sweet cousins

My wonderful family

You know Molly was thrilled at the chance to have her babies visit with Santa.

Proud Mother. Baby Dear got a sister from us on Christmas Eve, and she named her Kelly.

This year we has a S'mores station at the Christmas eve party- so fun!

Molly and her dollhouse on Christmas morning!

Papa refurbished Kyle's old bike for Molly. She still cannot pedal her trike, so this will have to wait a (long!) while... but it was such a loving gift!

Really, how cute is this?!?
We are so thankful for such a special Christmas, for our wonderful families, and of course for the best gift of all- a loving, forgiving and awesome Saviour!