Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a LOVELY Easter weekend! In years past Molly did NOT want a strange bunny hopping into her house, but she was much more excited about the day this year! We kicked off the weekend with Kyle taking Molly to join her dear friend Alexandra at their club for an Easter party and egg hunt! They had such a great time. Brave Kyle ended the day by taking the girls to Chuck E Cheese... I got to stay home the whole day and cook for Easter lunch.. it was heaven! I love to cook and I ADORE cooking in a quiet, empty house!

This year the Easter Bunny left Molly some clues for Molly that led her t her basket. It was a huge hit and I think the bunny will continue to do that in future years. Her basket was loaded with fun goodies, and the highlight was getting a scooter. She loves it, and as you can imagine moves very slooooooooooowly on it. I think it took us about 35 minutes to get 4 houses down- no joke! After Church we headed to Mimi and Poppy's for way too much yummy food, more baskets and another egg hunt! Such a great day. Molly is very good about remembering that the true meaning of Easter has nothing to do with bunnies or candy- she makes us proud!

Gearing up for the party with Alexandra!

M&A visit with E. Bunny

Molly's first clue....

The Jackpot!

Loving on Mimi and Poppy
Whole family shot!!!

My 2 loves

Posing on/near/with the scooter was slightly more important than riding!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Summery Sunday

It was in the mid 80's again today and it is really starting to feel like summer is coming! Then again, I thought that last week after several 85 degree days, and we got thrown a few COLD curve ball days! We are certainly ready for those warm temps to stick around. Today was a fun Sunday for us... filled with our "typical" Sunday happenings: Church, Molly and I grocery shopping ( she loves to shop for groceries, just like me!), rest and then popping over to Mimi and Poppy's. Molly got to swim again and loved it! The water took a while to warm up, but once the heater got going it felt nice. I am HOPING that this summer she can become a strong, safe swimmer. I have a lot of fear about her and the water, probably based a lot on my own weak swimming and uneasiness in the water. I am so looking forward to when she is a great, safe swimmer and I don't feel so nervous with her in/near water the whole time. She is doing really well in swim class this Spring, so I bet by the end of the summer, we will have an official swimmer!

Before Church this morning. I just love this sweet dress... and the sweet little girl in it.

Yea for Big Bows!

Poolside. I know I've said it before, but Molly LOVES to have her picture made and LOVES to pose. Once when asked if she had any special talents, her answer was "posing"!

She comes up with these poses all by herself!

Had to add this one in... sorry, Kyle! Kyle was joking around and tried to pose after Molly was showing off her moves.... as you can see, she looks pretty unimpressed... and pretty annoyed! This is a classic scene in our home, Kyle doing something funny/wacky/weird and Molly not having it!

I love how this photo turned out! My pretty FOUR year old... still weird to say that!