Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Day of School!

Today was Molly's last day of school! This year just ZOOMED by! If the years continue to go so fast, my Molly will be driving in the blink of an eye:( We had a great year. Molly's teacher, Miss Christi was an amazing teacher and Molly adored her. Her class was a fun mix of kids she already knew and some new friends. She learned so much this year... she went in a toddler and came out a kid! Molly is excited for summer, but I know it will sink in a a few weeks that she doesn't get to see her friends 3 times a week and she will be sad. Can't believe we have just one more year of preschool left before Kindergarten!

Molly outside of school on her last day!

Molly and Alexandra. Their last day as classmates:( They already warned us they won't be in class together next year because they are too close.) SAD!

Pretty flowers for wonderful Miss Christi!

Molly and Eloise

With Blake

With Ben. Molly says she might marry Ben but will wait to tell him for sure in college!

Best Friends!

Henry is another dear friend. He gave Molly a leaf each and every day because he knows she likes them!

M, A and Jackson

After school, the class went to London's house for a party and were entertained by StringBini the clown! Kyle is super scared of clowns so Molly has enjoyed taunting hi with the idea of Stringbini this past week!

He had the kids cracking up:)

The whole class with Stringbini

Molly was pumped to get to be his assistant

The girls and Miss Christi.
Sad to see another year pass... it means Molly is that much older. But, we are excited for a fun summer! With Kindergarten looming over my head, I am going to try so hard to soak in this next year!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dance Recital!

Last weekend Molly has her big dance recital! This year she did a ballet/tap combo class. She had lots of buddies in her class and had a blast... although she much preferred ballet to tap.... too noisy and wild for my girl! This year she got to perform 2 dances at the show- one ballet and one tap. Both routines were precious and were set to some of my favorite praise and worship songs: Standing in the Need of Prayer and How Great is Our God. None of the photos form on stage turned out due to lighting, but here are some very sweet ones from before and after the show!

At the rehearsal. Her dressing room had the stage lights- so fun!

Cute line-up of little ones waiting to go one for rehearsal!

After her stage make-up! I am beyond jealous of her eyelashes!

Darling ballet costume. 37 bobby pins to whip that short hair into a bun!!!

My pretty girl looking VERY old!

With her dearest Miss Alexandra!

Fun tap costume!

Part of her cheering section... Mimi and Poppy!

Sassy pose for a sassy ensemble!

Daddy and dancer

To celebrate the big show and Mimi's Birthday we walked right across the street to I Heart Yogurt- YUM! Molly got every last drop!

My doll.

Such a fun and special event! Molly LOVES to be on stage and we are so proud of her!