Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer So Far...

Wow! Where did the past month and a half go?!? Time sure has flown by! We have been having a really fun summer so far. We have been on the go so much that we are looking forward to a few weeks to just be home, swim, stay in our pajamas all morning and relax! One of the highlights of the summer is that Molly learned how to swim! She has been on the verge for a while but she is now official! I still feel the need to hover around her- but I don't need to - she is a true swimmer! Molly still enjoys coloring and drawing and is really, really good at it! She really takes her time and all of her pictures have a lot of detail to them- even eyelashes and painted fingernails and toenails:)

I don't have pics to share from this, but I got to have my 2nd annual girls trip to the lake a few weeks ago. It was heavenly! It is amazing how rejuvenating a few days away can be! We spent the weekend chatting, eating, laying out and eating some more. I am beyond thankful to have that group of friends- motherhood wouldn't be the same- or as fun- without them!

Some highlights:

Another year of VBS down! This was her first year in REAL VBS... she was in the nursery before. She loved it again this year, learned a lot and it completely wore her out:)

We took our annual week-long trip home to Kansas and had a great time. The Zoo remains our fave place to go!

The zoo has an amazing primate exhibit and Marbles the chimp took a liking to Molly girl! He followed her around and would interact with her through the glass. It was so special and Molly still talks about her pal, Marbles!

Pretty Girl

Goofy Girl

WINDY day in Kansas

This is Molly and I all dolled up to go to.... New Kids on The Block concert! So so fun! We had tickets in the suite so Molly was safe from the crazy fans (all of them my age or older-ha!). We only stayed for a few songs because it was late but we had a blast. New Kids was my first concert with my mom, so this was fun to do with Molly. She was dancing the night away! The Right Stuff is one of her favorite songs now!

Cousins came to visit!!!

3 cutie pies! The girls shared a fun week of swimming, slumber partying and lots an dlots of playtime!

We got to visit the Olson's at the lake again this summer! So So much fun again! Molly was a pro at tubing again- makes me a nervous wreck but she loves it!

Wet pup. This boy LOVES THE LAKE. Running around with a pack of dogs, swimming in the lake, lots of kids, kayak rides, etc! He was depressed when we got home:(

Molly got to reunite with best bud, Caroline- Milam's cousin! These girls talk about each other all year long so it was so fun for them to have some time together. They took care of each others babies, and played all sorts of hilarious things!

Going on a late night boat ride to try to see fireworks... unfortunately the drought here caused all the shows to be cancelled. But- Molly still LOVED getting to stay up late!

I swear she looks so so so old now! And acts old! And she wants to be old! It is exciting and sad at the same time. She is wanting to dress like a "big girl" now and it is breaking my heart. Kyle and I still can't get over our tiny little 6 pounder is now a BIG KID! I am so glad that she does not think she is too big for lots of cuddles and snuggles!