Today was "Show Day" for Molly's swimming school. It was their last class and their chance to show off their skills for mom and dad. Molly has come SOOOO far thanks to her lessons. When we started she would not put her face in and would refuse to get back in the water if her face got splashed. Now she can go under, float and even swim (very!) short distances on her own. Her school was the perfect fit for her- they encouraged her to get out of her comfort zone without scaring her. Her undying love for her swim teacher, Coach Chris probably didn't hurt, either:)
Practicing diving position
She is swimming!
Molly and her Coach Chris.. he is a contender for marriage according to Molly
This summer will be tons more fun now that Molly isn't afraid of the water and can swim with floaties! I won't be stuck holding her in the water the entire time!
In other news, I have finally done away with her "quiet time". She hasn't really napped in ages, but used to have a quiet time in her room for 1.5 hours, where she could rest and play quietly in her room. It was great and a MUCH needed respite for me. The past month quiet time has been anything but quiet. She would fuss, cry, leave her room, it was not working. I was MORE stressed from trying to wrangle her into her room. So, this week we stopped. And I let her watch tv or a movie for a little bit (which she doesn't get during the day) and encourage her to lay on the couch. It's working. I really miss those free hours, but it wasn't worth the fight. I'll try again in a few weeks or so... but I think my days of a nice mid-day break are over:( Waaah!