Saturday was the day M had been waiting for- her 1st recital! It did NOT disappoint. I can't say enough good things about Dancing Angels!!! saturday was spent in rehearsal, getting ready and telling Molly a MILLION times that she had to wait for her recital. She did so great! She just beamed the entire time and got most of the moves right. She was SO proud of herself and told me right afterwards that she was ready to do it again. Not one bit of nerves! Daddy gave her a bouquet and we went back to our house to celebrate with family and cupcakes. We gave her Molly's ( American Girl( recital outfit, and Mimi and Poppy started her a charm bracelet with her very first charm: a pair of ballet slippers. That gift will be treasured forever! Sunday, Dancing Angels ended their year with a big Princess Party. All the girls were to dress in princess gear which was super exciting for M. She got to play with all her buddies, eat treats and twirl on stage... to say she was in heaven wouldn't begin to describe it. She is already looking forward to next year and wondering what her costume will be!
Pre-recital. She thinks sniffing a flower is quite precious and very princess-like.
Warming up
M is 2nd from the right
Hugging Alexandra. I must have 20 pics of these 2 hugging from this past year!
A highlight- posing in front of Cinderella's carriage
Wow. Do you think she liked it?!?!
PRECIOUS!!!!!!! I know Molly had a blast and loved being on stage :) There is nothing cuter than little girls at their dance recital! Hannah's recital is this weekend and she is beyond excited!!!