Sunday, June 27, 2010


I am WAY behind on posts, but hope to get caught up this week. The 2nd week in June was VBS. VBS is truly one of my favorite times of the year... for many reasons. First- it is just plain FUN! Our church goes ALL out and makes it an amazing week. The decorations, skits, music, games, everything is fun. Second- Molly LOVES it. This year was so special because two of our dearest friends, Lane and Emily taught Molly's class and lots of her buddies were there. Also, Christina was in the YC drama and did the BEST job as Lacey the Spider, she seriously stole the show.... we're so proud of you, Tina! Molly's beloved babysitter was a youth helper in drama, so it was M's fave! Third and most importantly, I love VBS because it is amazing watching children learn about God, be excited about God and becoming interested in getting closer to Him. It was such a gift to watch so many little eyes, ears and hearts be filled with the Word. Ya'll will laugh so hard but I have been pumped for this VBS in particular, with it's "High Seas" theme because we had a nautical smocked dress for each day- ha! Next year is "PANDAmoneum"... so I'll have to get creative with M's ensembles!

Monday Morning

Tuesday morning


Sweet Haley helped lead the music and of course Molly couldn't resist hopping up to join her each day!


Feeling very joyful about Wednesday!

Thursday Morning
Friday was t-shirt day. M initially rebuked this shirt for not being beautiful, but ended up being excited to wear it!

Peyton and Molly

Rocking to the band during closing ceremonies

Molly and Hannah enjoying the show!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We had the best Memorial Day weekend! We went to Inks Lake with the Olson's and could not have had a better time! Lane and I drove down with Molly, Milam and Peter, and the Dads headed up later with Samuel and the dogs. Molly had the time of her life... swimming, boating, golf cart rides and kids galore! Lane's family is amazing and we really enjoyed spending time with them.
I could eat Samuel up! He is too much!
Milam loved playing host and showing Molly the ropes~

I was SHOCKED Molly wanted to join Milam on the tube first thing.
She looks so old with her hair pulled up

Brian parked the boat and everyone (even Topsy) jumped in!
Brian and Samuel. Samuel was SO cute jumping into the water. The second his body hit the water he would immediately start saying "I JUMP!!!" to do it again. He gave everyone a workout hoisting him up on the boat over and over again!
Topsy LOVED the lake. He loved the boat, the kayak, running with the dogs, riding on the golf carts. He has SO much energy that he is nuts at home... but thrived out there.
This trip Molly said "Samuel isn't a baby anymore, he's a friend!". She has looked at all the 2nd kids as babies for so long, and is just now seeing that they are growing up into fun playmates

Wet Pup
She thinks this is highly precious...

Molly and Milam's sweet cousin Caroline. These two had SO much fun. They loved to play babies and get in this "crib". Caroline was Baby Muffin and Molly was Baby Rally.
Molly and Caroline. They were so sweet and kept plotting ways to get to each other's houses. When we left , Molly said her "best friend was lost forever" :(
Sweet Baby Peter was such a doll. He has the most beautiful face.

Thanks so much to the Olson's for a GREAT trip!