Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Swimming Graduation

Today was "Show Day" for Molly's swimming school. It was their last class and their chance to show off their skills for mom and dad. Molly has come SOOOO far thanks to her lessons. When we started she would not put her face in and would refuse to get back in the water if her face got splashed. Now she can go under, float and even swim (very!) short distances on her own. Her school was the perfect fit for her- they encouraged her to get out of her comfort zone without scaring her. Her undying love for her swim teacher, Coach Chris probably didn't hurt, either:)

Practicing diving position

She is swimming!

Back float

Molly and her Coach Chris.. he is a contender for marriage according to Molly

This summer will be tons more fun now that Molly isn't afraid of the water and can swim with floaties! I won't be stuck holding her in the water the entire time!

In other news, I have finally done away with her "quiet time". She hasn't really napped in ages, but used to have a quiet time in her room for 1.5 hours, where she could rest and play quietly in her room. It was great and a MUCH needed respite for me. The past month quiet time has been anything but quiet. She would fuss, cry, leave her room, it was not working. I was MORE stressed from trying to wrangle her into her room. So, this week we stopped. And I let her watch tv or a movie for a little bit (which she doesn't get during the day) and encourage her to lay on the couch. It's working. I really miss those free hours, but it wasn't worth the fight. I'll try again in a few weeks or so... but I think my days of a nice mid-day break are over:( Waaah!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Big Blue

Meet Big Blue... our new home for the next 4 months. It is gigantic and it is tacky, but it is the PERFECT pool for us! It is big/deep enough that Molly can actaully swim and float in it ( and I can relax and lay out in it:)!) but not so giant I worry about water safety constantly. We've had this beast for 3 days and already gotten out money's worth! Every evening, all the sweet little neighbor girls have come over for a pool party, such fun for Molly!

Of course the H20 princesses have gone swimming with us

She has this look down to a science. Those eyes!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

School's Out For Summer....

It is officially summer in our house. Molly's last day of school was yesterday. I don't think she totally gets what that means, because I KNOW she is going to miss her friends! We had a party in her class and I had the biggest cry when it was over. Not a cute cry, but a real cry. I am soooo sad about this! Time is just moving too fast. I can't believe her first year of school is already done. I may need some sedatives to get me through Kindergarten! It was a great year and I am so so happy that Molly goes to school where she does. Can yo believe this was her teachers 25th year there?!?! This summer we are taking some trips, and Molly has some fun little camps lined up. But other than that you will most likely find us here:

Doing LOTS of this! Molly is BIG into art right now...

And I'll be trying to find more places to display these!

We my have a few girlfriends over for a dip!

The hose continues to be a huge source of entertainment for us!

Throw a baby pool and some popsicles into the mix and you have a fun summer ahead of you!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Molly the Star:)

Saturday was the day M had been waiting for- her 1st recital! It did NOT disappoint. I can't say enough good things about Dancing Angels!!! saturday was spent in rehearsal, getting ready and telling Molly a MILLION times that she had to wait for her recital. She did so great! She just beamed the entire time and got most of the moves right. She was SO proud of herself and told me right afterwards that she was ready to do it again. Not one bit of nerves! Daddy gave her a bouquet and we went back to our house to celebrate with family and cupcakes. We gave her Molly's ( American Girl( recital outfit, and Mimi and Poppy started her a charm bracelet with her very first charm: a pair of ballet slippers. That gift will be treasured forever! Sunday, Dancing Angels ended their year with a big Princess Party. All the girls were to dress in princess gear which was super exciting for M. She got to play with all her buddies, eat treats and twirl on stage... to say she was in heaven wouldn't begin to describe it. She is already looking forward to next year and wondering what her costume will be!

Pre-recital. She thinks sniffing a flower is quite precious and very princess-like.

Warming up

M is 2nd from the right

Hugging Alexandra. I must have 20 pics of these 2 hugging from this past year!
A highlight- posing in front of Cinderella's carriage
Wow. Do you think she liked it?!?!

Monday, May 10, 2010


We had a fun and busy weekend. Saturday, Kyle and I went to the Make A WIsh ball and had a good time. We bid on some Jayhawk Basketball tickets and are waiting to see if we won:) For Mothers Day we went to brunch at Kirby's and it was super yummy! I got a lovely card from Molly and a beautiful new wallet from Kyle. To be totally honest.. it was kind of a stressful day. Molly's sleep has been AWFUL this past week and I was very,very,very sleepy... so was Molly and that translated into her being very,very cranky. Not a fun combo! I had really forgotten what sleep deprivation feels like.... it is miserable. Kyle wanted me to spend the night in a hotel, but instead I used a combo of earplugs, noise machine and 2 advil pm's! I woke up feeling like a new lady! I had Kyle sleep in M's room with her so I wouldn't worry about her being up. Of course, she slept all through the night and past 8 am!!!! Just my odds! This morning was Molly's photo day and practice before her recital this weekend. It was beyond precious. So many little tiny girls in pink fluff... heaven! She is thrilled about being on stage, but only time will tell how she does when she is actually up there looking out into the crowd:) Ballet was so fun this year and we are hoping to have class next year with all of her sweet friends again.

Before the event... you know Molly couldn't resist the spotlight. She is in her recital outfit to show off for her sitter!
THANKS for the BEAUTIFUL dress, Lane!
Expert poser
Best Buddy Alexandra
Sophie, Molly, Alexandra and Ellie
Molly's adorable class and wonderful teacher, Miss Susan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring Carnival

It's done! It's done! It's finally done! The Spring Carnival at Molly's school has come and gone! I was one of the chair's for this event and while it was a blast it was SO much more work that I would have ever imagined. It was all worth it, though. The party was a hit, the kids had an absolute blast, I met a lot of great ladies and we raised a ton of money. If this is any sign of what next year will be like, I will need to brush up on my organizational skills! I am going to be the PTA President.. yikes!

Molly and Baby Dear all geared up for the party. The theme was " A Day at the Beach".

Molly in the adorable shirts for this year and Baby Dear in a hula skirt! Molly was the only girl to order a blue shirt... it is her FAVORITE color!

The required and requested solo shot of Baby Dear. I swear M thinks she is a real baby sometimes!

Ariel was the biggest hit of the night! Molly was convinced it was really her... the real Ariel!

Molly and Nemo

Molly and her dear friend Alexandra

The best pic we could manage out of Molly and other best buddy, Elena!