Sunday, June 7, 2009

Living the Princess Life

So, I know I probably post a lot about princesses- but that is because they are a big part of life in our family! Molly just loves them and often declares "I'm a Princess, Mommy... a real Princess!" The funniest thing she says is " I love princesses. I really do." Ha!

A princess can never go wrong in a tutu, fancy shoes and a tiara.
Swimming around in a plastic pool in ones backyard is no reason to skimp on the royal glamour... just wear your durable water tiara!
Just loving the sweet life!

This little girl really is as sweet as they come. We had such a fun weekend, and I couldn't help but tear up when I put Molly to bed Saturday night... sometimes I really can't believe this little doll is mine. This weekend she started saying "I love you, Mommy (or Daddy)", planting big kisses on us and nestling her head on our shoulders. Swoon. She also has started asking for cuddles. She'll say" It's cuddle time" or just "Cuddle me, Mommy". Of course I am more than happy to meet that request! She'll curl up in my arms and want to kiss and snuggle- pure heaven for me!

This week is VBS week- and Molly is SOOOO excited! She loved VBS last year, but was so young she didn't really "get it". This year she sure gets it! SHe talks all about the characters of Crocodile Dock (our theme) is pumped to wear her T-shirt and knows every word to all the VBS songs... except for song number 5... that one is a little too "hard rock" for her, and she refuses to listen to it... and funny enough #5 is Ava's favorite- so different- ha! I know it will be a FUN week... but Molly will be very tuckered out by Friday- wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. What a SWEET little princess!!! Have a great VBS week!
