Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Weekend

We had such a great Easter weekend this year! Saturday the Olson's hosted a fun Easter Egg hunt and get together in their beautiful back yard. Molly loved seeing her buddies and scouting for eggs.... but the best part for her was digging into the eggs to get the sweets!

Easter morning we went to Church. After service, Kyle and Molly joined me for the Children's play upstairs. It was cute again this year. Molly HAS to stand up and dance/pose anytime here is any form of music playing. So- we found a nice corner for her to dance in! After Church we headed to Mimi and Poppy's for a yummy lunch. When M woke up from her nap she hunted for more eggs in the back yard. She scored even more candy that I have to get out of my house ASAP before I devour it all- ha!

Hannah and Molly doing what they do best... hugging!

A typical pose!

Easter Morning
Our family

1 comment:

  1. Ashie, This is beautiful..... makes me miss you all the more. nin
