Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Musings on Molly

I haven't done a who-Molly-is-today post today and wanted to do one for memories sake. We had a big first in our home last Friday. 1st call to 911 and 1st time for a fireman to bust down our door to get Molly out of the locked bathroom! Yep- Molly locked herself in the bathroom. She was cool as a cucumber the whole time- telling me nor to worry she would "just live in the bathroom". Thank goodness her bathtub is filled to the brim with toys- she was more than entertained. When the kind firemen got the door open, she calmly began to show her all of princesses, asked them if they would like to go outside to see her bubbles and asked them why a policeman didn't rescue her instead. She is such a hoot.

Molly's OBSESSION with me continues. Kyle cannot get her in or out of the carseat, hand her anything, take her potty- anything. It is all about me. If I can't/won't do it- drama and hysterics may ensue. Sigh. Draining. Kind of endearing, but mostly draining. She is starting to have issues when I put her to sleep. She wants me to cuddle her all night and sleep with her. I went to the gym right after putting her down last night and Kyle said she got truly hysterical. Hope this ends ASAP. I LOVE that she LOVES me, but geez!

Molly loves her young babysitters. It is her greatest thrill to have a teenage girl come over and focus all her attention on her. We are SO lucky to have the world's sweetest sisters for sitters. The morning after they have watched her the first thing out of her mouth is "Where's Haley"? or "Where's Meghan?". So sweet.

Molly LIVES to do shows. She wants me to watch her dance and sing all day long. And she thinks she is GOOD. SHe tries to make her little friends and complete strangers watch her as well. I even have to make Topsy sit still to watch her. She CANNOT wait for her recital this May. This girl is not lacking in confidence.

Speaking of confidence- she will walk right up to kids ask what their name is and ask if they will be her friend. She always leaves the park, Chik-fil-a and Kroger with a new BFF. I was NOT like this as a kid and was pretty shy about making new friends- so I am really happy that she is not like me.

Molly has started to tell me stories that she makes up. They are hilarious. She comes up with kooky names for the characters, and they always end up getting married, going to a ball or eating a "delicious snack". I have started writing some of her stories and letting her draw the pictures. They are a riot. She also loves ot make up games. She'll say "lets play the wet rope game", or some other bizarre name and it always has very intricate instructions like " first, you spin around, then wiggle- then you pet Topsy, and then you touch your toes". FUN games, let me tell you.

She continues to be the funniest, sweetest, smartest girl I ever knew. Even the most draining, difficult days are not bad. I'm lucky to know her:)


  1. Such a sweet girl! I was reading your post and thought I was reading about Hannah! Seriously...they are SO much alike! Hannah LOVES telling me stories and she makes up the same games and just calls them whatever comes to her head first and the "rules" are always silly, silly!! Funny girls!

  2. glad molly stayed calm during the lock in! thats too funny.
