Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Louisiana Visit.... Molly's 4th Birthday Part 1!

For Molly's Spring Break, we took a trip to visit Kyle's Grandparents in Winnfield, Louisiana. To say they were eagerly anticipating us is a HUGE understatement! We truly had the best time! I feel so lucky to have married into such a great and close family- everyone in Winnfield is so wonderful and loving and kind.. I could go on and on! We got a lot of good play time in their big backyard, lots of shopping (and modeling!) done at The Youth Shop, lots of special time with family and more than a few trips to Sonic for a sweet treat! One funny story is that Molly was singing at a restauarant (anyone who know Molly well knows she is ALWAYS singing and making up songs!) and two fellow diners enjoyed the "show" so much they bought our supper! We got such a kick out of that! Molly got to have a pre- birthday Bash there and it was so fun! I had to pick from a ton of photos, but I narrowed it down to these:

Molly and her cousin Jackson. She LOVES him and he is so kind to her!

Enjoying swinging in the sunshine with Grandmother

Molly took advantage of the beautiful and big backyard

Practicing the piano..

Molly and Grandmother

Molly and Grandad

LOVE this photo!

Baby Dear Love!

At her Party at Fox's Pizza.... later in the evening some kids were being rowdy on this horse and Molly walked over with her hands on her hips to tell them they were being unsafe and were showing bad manners! Ha!

Jackson and Hunter! Molly insisted they sit right next to her. I have never met boys this age who were so polite, kind and sweet.

Thinking of a good wish...

Molly was thrilled with all of her gifts! She made out like a bandit!

We miss you, Winnfield!

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