Sunday, February 28, 2010


Molly found a creative way to wear her new Kelly's Kids dress and stay warm!
Beginning to look like Spring...
The tiniest little pink Wayfarers. I can't handle the adorableness!

We are beyond ready for Spring to come and to stay for good. I don't remember being this impatient in past years, but then again I don't remember it being so cold, either! During one of our snowed in days, I tackled Molly's closet. This is no small feat. It is no secret that I LOVE dressing up my Molly Dolly, so there are a lot of clothes packed into a teeny tiny 1940's closet! After 3 hours of sorting, rearranging and labeling, we were done. I put most of her Spring clothes in her closet and it has been such torture for Molly. She wants to wear those Spring dresses so bad- but it is still so cold. Most days at home you will find her in long warm clothes with a summer dress over it all! Hopefully March will be more like a lamb than a lion!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see Molly's new spring wardrobe! She definietly always wins the BEST DRESSED!!!
