Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This and That

This will be a rather random collection of photos and thoughts! We are so very happy to see and feel the sunshine today and hope it is here to stay ( I think the weatherman is saying something else, sadly!). We had a very fun past couple of days. We have been taking care of fun little projects around the house and celebrating Valentines Day- a fave Holiday of mine due to the fact I love pink- ha! Saturday we celebrated with Molly. We took her to see the Princess and the Frog again- it just made it's way to the dollar theatre. She loved it just as much this time- if not more! We also took her to get ice cream. Kyle get her a pink rose as he has every year and she was so proud to get it. Kyle and I went out to eat on Sunday at Kirbys and it was soooo good. Molly got to have her sitter Haley come over so she was thrilled. Haley is 15 and Molly thinks she is the coolest thing on Earth! She is such a sweet babysitter- she does crafts with Molly, brings over special books to read at bedtime, etc. Kyle and I tried to get in all of our rich and decadent eating because we HOPE to give up empty carbs and junk for Lent. It starts tomorrow so I hope we can stick with it. I am also going to give up an hour of sleep... meaning I want to get up an hour before Kyle and Molly and have some quiet time with myself and God. A much better way to start the day than waking up with Molly and starting my day off in a frenzy!

These 1st photos will be of no interest to 95% of viewers... but I know my Mom would want to see that we finally put the fabric on Molly's canopy bed! Molly loves it and thinks it is a "sleeping tent"!

Molly and I with our big shades on our way to see Princess and the Frog with Tiana!
Sweet Hannah and Alice Anne came to play and the girls had such fun. They decorated cookies...
Danced to Bella Dancerella (AA is using a pinwheel as her ribbon wand- cute!)
And played a game where they hide under the covers and pretend to sleep... ALice Anne and I were supposed to rip the covers off and yell WAKE UP:)

1 comment:

  1. the girls had soooo much fun with molly!! thank you so much and i still can't believe i brought over a bunch of bags with no chicken!!!
